Michigan Unemployment

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Work Search Requirements

Michigan Work Registration Program

Work registration is the process of creating an online profile and resume which gets your name out into the busy Michigan marketplace. By doing this, you can search for jobs throughout the state, not just in your home area. This is also a necessary step in ensuring that you receive your weekly benefits.

Michigan Registration Program

When filing for unemployment in Michigan at an unemployment office, you have to make an effort to find work. The UIA requires that you apply for at least two positions per week and report where you applied at least once a month. This can be done at a Michigan Works! office via paperwork or done online at MiWam. It requires noting where you applied, what resulted from the application, as well as contact information in case verification is necessary.

Unemployed? We want to help.

You also must register to work by creating an account and profile at Pure Michigan Talent Connect, which is available at www.mitalent.org. This process requires uploading information about past jobs, educational requirements, and your skills as a worker. Employers can then use this website to look for potential employees for their business.

It is necessary to create a profile within 120 days of losing your job or three days before you call MARVIN for the first time. Typically, a visit to Michigan Works! to file will include a guided application procedure that will ensure you finish your profile properly. You can fill out this application at home on your own computer, but must take the “Notice to Register For Work” form to Michigan Works! so that the staff can stamp it to prove that you visited and registered for work.

What You Need For Work Registration

  • Social Security number
  • Driver's license number
  • Email address
  • Employment history
  • Educational information

It is a good idea to gather this information before you create your Pure Michigan Talent Connect profile. Once you register for work, unemployment payments will be authorized. The form, UIA 1538, is one way that you can gather all of this information. You can find a free printable PDF of it here. It will help you keep your records in order once you begin your profile creation process.

Note: You may also need to provide your bank account and routing information if you choose to have your money provided via direct deposit. Should you forgo that route, you will receive a debit card in the mail, which contains all of your benefits. It is used like a traditional debit card, including paying for transactions and even withdrawing money from your account.