Work Search Requirements
Arkansas Work Registration
After you are approved to collect Unemployment Insurance Benefits, you must register with the Department of Workforce Services Job Service. You will not be required to keep a written log of your job search connections until you are advised in writing to do so by the department.
Most claimants are required to begin keeping a detailed log of their job searches in the 13th or 19th week after claiming Weekly Benefits. You will receive a notice from the department when you will need to begin recording all job search efforts. Your job search notice will list the number of contacts you must make for each week you claim Unemployment Insurance Benefits.
You will also receive the Department of Workforce Services Handbook in the mail shortly after filing your application. It is important that you read the handbook and keep it to use for your required job search requirements.
Once you begin fulfilling your job search requirements each week, you could be called to appear in person at the local Department of Workforce Services office or nearby Arkansas Workforce Center for job search related reviews and activities.
Your written job search log is subject to review at any time after receiving notice that you must begin recording job contracts. Although you are not required to keep a written register until you are notified in writing, you are still expected to perform job searches to meet the requirement for filing your weekly claims online or by phone.
You could be exempt from mandatory job search connections under certain circumstances. Contact your local unemployment office for more information or consult the Department Handbook.
Unemployed? We want to help.
Arkansas Work Registration Program
You will be advised when you need to register for work with the Department of Workforce Services, if you aren’t already, by local Department staff. The following rules are mandatory once you receive notice to begin recording your weekly contacts:
- Make the required number of contacts for each week you claim benefits. The number of contacts you must make each week will vary depending on your employment situation.
- At least one of these contacts must be in person (unless your occupation or industry customarily takes applications by phone or other correspondence).
- Repeat contact with an employer does not count toward your required number of contacts (unless it is a reasonable deduction that it will result in obtaining employment)
- You must register with Job Service and when advised you must do so with a local office staff member.
- Job Service may count as one contact per week if you are called into the office to report, or if you fill out your job application at Job Service.
- You may count one Job Service contact per month for following specific instructions in accordance with your local office. Subsequent Job Service contacts cannot be used toward work search requirements until the following month.
- Registration with a job search agency counts as a contact only one time. However, contacts made from referrals from the agency count as contacts given you record them in your log.
- You must keep written record of your contacts each week. There is a contact log in the back of your handbook for you to keep a running log of all job search contacts each week.
- All recorded job contact information must be true and accurate. It is subject to review at any time.
- The longer you remain unemployed, you may be required to seek jobs outside of your usual occupation or industry. You must follow all recommendations and follow through with actively seeking reemployment.
What You Need for Work Registration
Registration is completed through the Department of Workforce Services. When you visit your local office you will be given an application to fill out which contains information on your work history and knowledge. Depending on your background, various recommendations will be made by office staff.
Weekly and monthly requirements differ from person to person, depending on career history, education, and skill sets.
After your initial in-person registration with the Department of Workforce Services, unless otherwise instructed, you can file your weekly work search requirements online when you claim your weekly benefits.