File for Unemployment in Washington DC
There are currently three different ways to file for unemployment compensation in Washington DC, including by phone, the internet, and in person. The Department of Employment Services (DOES) recommends filing online for the fastest service. You can also call the Unemployment Insurance call center at 202-724-7000 or visit any American Job Center in the Washington DC area.
Unemployment Application and Initial Claim
File Your Unemployment Application and Initial Claim Process
To file for unemployment in Washington DC, you need to follow this simple initial claim process:
- Create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to access your account later
- Use your PIN to create a new account on the website
- Fill in the appropriate information fields with accurate information
- Calculate your wages and indicate why you lost your job
- Double-check all information carefully
- Submit your application
- Sign up for The District of Columbia's work search program (will be discussed later)
Once you're finished, you will need to wait at least a week to receive a letter in the mail or online on your UI account regarding your claim status.
Documents and Information Needed During Filing
- Social Security Number
- Most recent 30-day employer’s name, address, phone number, and dates of employment
- Alien Registration Number, if you are not a US citizen
- Your DD214, if you were previously in the military
- Your Standard Form 8 or Standard Form 50 if you are a former federal employee
- Severance pay information (only needed if you did or will receive severance pay)
- Pension
Unemployed? We want to help.
Claim Weekly Benefits
Before you can receive any unemployment benefits, you need to claim them weekly through a simple process online, via the phone, or through the mail via claim forms that can be sent to your residence weekly.
You can start claiming benefits on the Sunday after you apply for benefits. As long as you meet eligibility requirements, you should receive benefits weekly.
How to Claim Weekly Benefits
Every week, you must login to your UI account and verify that you are available for work, searching for work, and haven't turned down a suitable position. This requires:
- Clicking on “Claim Weekly Benefits”
- Filling out the required information (job contact name, type of contact, the date of the contact, and information on how to contact them)
- Reporting any wages you may have earned during the week
- Verifying that you did not receive a full-time job offer or turned one down
Claim Denials or Discrepancies
Problems with your unemployment claim can be reviewed by the Appeals Division. This group holds hearings regarding claim denials and discrepancies that are brought to their attention. Through a hearing with the Appeals Division, you will be able to overturn a wrongly denied claim and receive benefits as long as a judge rules in your favor.
However, your employer or the state may also use the Appeals Division to check any discrepancies in your reporting. That's why it is so important to keep paperwork about your claim handy at all times and to make sure your records are filed in an easy-to-understand way.
Appeals Process for Denied Claims
To file an appeal on a denied claim, make sure you follow these steps:
- Pick up an appeal form from a nearby unemployment office
- Fill out the form, including your name, Social Security Number, the reason for your appeal, and a signature
- Mail the form to the appropriate office within 15 days of when the determination was mailed to you
- Wait to receive a notice indicating the date of your hearing
- Apply for funding for an attorney (should you choose one)
- Attend the hearing at the indicated office
- Present your evidence (including written warnings, explanations for firing, and eyewitness testimony) to the Hearing Examiner
- Let your employer present their case
- Cross examine your employer, including bringing up witnesses that help your case
- Avoid interrupting any presentation, as this is considered a serious breach in procedure
- Wait to hear back from the Hearing Examiner
You should hear back from the Appeals Division within a week regarding your case. If your appeal was successful, you will be granted any funds that were denied to you.
If your appeal was not successful, you can appeal to the Board of Appeals. They will make another ruling based on the previous trial and new evidence you present. Further appeals would proceed to the state and federal court level.
Appeals Division Contact Information
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
441 Fourth Street, NW, Suite 450N
Fax: 202-442-4789